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CR - you need to document your speeds and call your DSL company! and wow - taking down knife-wielding kidnappers?
I have been in contact with my DSL provider and they are working on it. What has happened is they have sold more than they can provide.
The knife guy ahh just another day. Not the first time and probably won't be the last.
I was only 15 when I first took down a bad guy (adult) at gun point ! Then the dummy made threats againts me in court. The judge told him you better stay away from that kid. He carries a gun and will shoot you.
Good morning All!
I have a cold so I decided not to go to yoga this morning.
I thought it would be more restful to hang out on BYC!
Dropping in for a sec to ask, anyone got photos of the hens/pullets I sold them a while ago when I was cutting back on my flock? I can't remember who got what Araucanas and EE's and would LOVE to see how they matured, especially the tailed Araucana girl.

Would also love to know how everyone's are doing. I heard from the new home of some BCM's I sold, I think that's about it lately.

Just wanna know.

Illia, I don't have any photos yet, but I got your splash Araucana and a wheaten Ameraucana. I had just reported this past week that both are laying! The Wheaten lays some particularly nicely colored eggs. I will try to get pics of them this next week and post/send them to you. Both girls are fully integrated into the flock, the Araucana has decided she doesn't need to be such a bully anymore and has calmed down. The Wheaten is a little submissive and gets shooed away from treats by the others which results in her making a LOUD fuss until I toss her treats directly, so she's learned to speak up for herself!
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This person has placed an unbelievable amount of time into these links. Such a wide subject there is no way you can't find something to benefit from. You'll be amazed. And yes, BYC is linked there. PEAK OIL & DEPRESSION - SUSTAINABILITY LIVING LINKS http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=71843731
Thanks so much for posting this link. It's fantastic - I've added it to my favorites.
So I think Ron gave some coyotes a map to my house and they got two of my chickens this evening. Got my Orp that had stopped laying due to the two dog attacks last year, and one of my "almost to POL" Welsummers. So now I am down to 8. Maybe I will need to get a couple more now? Man! I guess I will need to go sit outside with my shotgun while my chickens free range. Always happens when I go in to pee and get sidetracked for longer than I plan. Dang It! Hope you all are having a good night! Kim
I'm so sorry for your loss. Hate coyotes...
So far, my puter is much faster, e-mail is like lightening fast !!!!!!!!!! I mean right now !! Usually this time of night I am licked up ! We (with comcast tech dude) downloaded Google Chrome & he zipped through my puter like I was standing still.......I was blown away how fast he zipped through the web, forums, etc. I was embarrassed. But he said to keep track of records as I have done with connectivity. I am extremely impressed with Google Chrome, although yeah...take some getting used to !
CONGRATS CL!!! I'll have to try that ...
I had a fun, interesting and slightly exciting afternoon. I got to send a scumbag to jail. Long story short He had stolen knives from Walmart then tried to take an employee hostage. I didn't know all these details when I chased him down and kept him cornered for the cops. When the first cop (who I knew) got there and not so nicely told the guy what he would do if he didn't show hands I knew it was serious stuff. At least I got to get in his face and compliment him on his nice bracelets just before they put him in the car !
Wow - that's fantastic CR!!! Scary, but fantastic! Iif you get your picture in the paper as Citizen Hero of the Month, will you be wearing your pink bandana mask? Just curious :lol:
Posting this for all the horsey people here...it's Stacy Westfall's 2006 Championship run, even non-horsey people will like this, she rides the horse with no tack.
I cried when I watched it, this mare is no longer with us, she cast herself in her stall and there was too much damage to save her, she was also in foal, and they were unable to save the baby. The song Stacy rode her to is ironic....
This is possibly the most breathtaking video of horse and rider I've ever seen. I've seen it before and get emotional every time - this time more than ever because I didn't know that about the mare. How devastating...
I cried too - partly her story, and partly because of the horse video I'm trying to post here. It is the sister of one of Olivia's best friends at the Snohomish Fair this fall (I think she's 13). It was on the second anniversary of their father's sudden death (hear attack early 40's). I was bawling when her mom posted it to FB. They moved to the dry side right after this, but I ran into mom in Ace last week, and I started crying again. I was hoping she would not see me, but she did, and we both were standing there looking at bags of dogfood and crying.
Oh my goodness. Such a beatiful bond between girl and horse. Thanks so much for sharing this. She did her Mom and Dad proud.
Thanks guys.... I cant get one yet tho. I am not particular about color just something cute. My daughter EE is the regular color. Im not really sure, still kinda new to this chicken stuff. The rest of my hens are Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons. I am getting them for my boys who are 5 and 2 they want their own chicken since their sister has her own. ( you know how that goes) So one that laid blue eggs I think they would love seeing how thats my 5 year olds favorite color. But thanks I knew I couldnt order just 2 chicks from anywhere online so now I at least know I have some options. Thanks everyone
[COLOR=0000CD]Thanks guys.... I cant get one yet tho. I am not particular about color just something cute. My daughter  EE is the regular color. Im not really sure, still kinda new to this chicken stuff. The rest of my hens are Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons. I am getting them for my boys who are 5 and 2 they want their own chicken since their sister has her own. ( you know how that  goes)  So one that laid blue eggs I think they would love seeing how thats my 5 year olds favorite color. But thanks I knew I couldnt order just 2 chicks from anywhere online so now I at least know I have some options. Thanks everyone[/COLOR] :jumpy

okay, saw the chickens today, beautiful mutts ... one is basically red with a lush black "shawl" of hackle feathers, one is mottled white/silver with buff lacing and at least four colors in the tail feathers, and one is basic gold duckwing EE but hard to tell because she's gone broody, sitting in back corner of nest box just GLARING :rant

typical Maui chickens, somewhat smaller than LF, slightly bigger than bantam; mama was a silver duckwing EE, papa could have been any one of six roos; as chicks several of them were marked similarly to Barred Rocks, those must have been the baby roos that went --->

gonna go get some fertile BLUE eggs from a friend of mine here, put those under that broody (the three of them have been laying pale beige-brown and pale pink eggs) to get a few chicks, add to the genetic diversity -- maybe wander down to the local Del's, see if and when they are getting day old EEs (of course they usually label them as Americanas) :idunno

also check out chicken feed prices -- they can free range here and get all sorts of bugs and weeds -- I'll pull up the Spanish needle that has been infesting the upper yard where they don't go; they love it and it gets those tenacious seeds OUT of the way

gotta go find some sand too; I've found that it keeps coop and run so much cleaner, to layer in sand and scoop the poo out .. right now the coop floor is your basic dirt-and-leaves

if anyone needs fertile EE eggs to hatch, I'm sure DS would let you have some, but my lot mostly produce greenish-blue eggs, not bright blue ones; obviously I can't fly back from Maui to collect and distribute them ! :lau
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