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Judges 4:

Just when I thought I was awesome at the multi quotes, I can't find you.

Hooray for babies. You are an awesome hatcher. Hey Y'all, she just put 8 of a dozen sent for MARYLAND into the hatcher.

I'll clue you in on the playhouses when I see you. Anything with a solid door is good. I have a half door playhouse to fix next, and I am going to have to cut angles and care if it's level! Yikes! I should have listened in Geometry.

Gosh I am excited about those babies. I think they need a playhouse lol.
Did I mention there are 6 b/b/s LF Cochin going in a few days after that?
I'm not keeping 'em. I wonder who might want those????
Quote: Ok. I am not going to play into this. I apologized once and you less than graciously declined to accept that apology. Remember? And I have not said anything to apologize for this time. I was asking for more info so I could be clear. I guess I am clear now. And that is the end of my part of this discussion.
Shoot. 24 minutes too late. Sorry I missed you Cowgirlgrace! That's it. I'm going to contact jbear (who we also dont get to see here often enough!) and figure when we can meet up soon!
Shoot. 24 minutes too late. Sorry I missed you Cowgirlgrace! That's it. I'm going to contact jbear (who we also dont get to see here often enough!) and figure when we can meet up soon!
Hey I may be interested too !! IF I am select enough. Hey I got it ya all should come to our south meet up. It will be at Winchester Bay, OR Sept 26-29. I know CR and jbear will be there. Oh and yes BTW that is the dunes. It will be our final run for the year. And somebodies (late) Bday .
Thanks for the info!
Superworms are a different species than regular mealworms, and they take longer to develop. The main problem with breeding them, though, is that they are cannibalistic, and if they are kept in large numbers (which most people do) the population pressure keeps them from pupating. They will just grow bigger and bigger, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But if you want to breed them, there are two methods. If you don't have a huge colony, you can just create hidey holes for them to use to get away from the other worms. Stack egg crate, fold up hand towels or paper towels, that sort of thing. If you have a large colony, you will need to remove the largest worms to allow them to pupate. I've put them in film canisters (back when they existed!) and into trays with little compartments. The worms will curl up into "C" shapes before turning into pupae. Then just check the pupae periodically, and when they molt into adults add them back or put them in a new bin. Be careful handling them, though. They have a chemical defense that will make your hands reek!

I haven't raised mealworms or supers in a while. I currently keep feeder roaches for my geckos and tarantulas, and I can't wait to watch chickens chase them around.
If you aren't squeamish, roaches are very easy and cheap to keep!

I heard an interesting phrase this weekend that could apply to many situations. "If you're tired of playing tug of war with someone, let go of your end of the rope and walk away".
Eggs from a backyard are never boring!
Check out all the weird eggs we've had this week!

1. Foxglove (ee)'s normal pink egg for comparison
2. Foxglove double yolker
3. Blueberry fart egg
4. Juno (Jersey Giant) "store bought size" egg for comparison

1. Juno (Jersey Giant) "store bought size" egg for comparison
2. Blueberry fart egg
3. Normal size Blueberry egg for comparison

AND! A soft shelled egg from Foxglove I found under her in the coop - laid from the roost (that poor girl has had a week!)

Weird week!
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