water containers


I like the cups! I have never had a problem with leakage & should that happen they can be disassembled. However, a small amount of water usually sits in the bottom of the cup which makes them very prone to freezing. Not much of a problem here but it would be elsewhere.
What do you think of the horizontal cup water dispensers?  These seem to combine both the open drink which the chickens like and the screw into bucket which I like.


Might be OK in a calm coop in a never freezing region...

For me with guineas running around the coop like idiots and spooking the chickens and peafowl all the time, I know full well that they would almost certainly knock the cups off or break them... Plus as said above, if you get freezing temps they will simply collect water and freeze up...

I agree full heartedly after testing many other methods that regular horizontal nipples are the way to go...

Here is my main coop waterer...


And here is what I use in brooders...



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