Water gets stinky quick!?

I started out baby chicks with only water nipples. (verticals) They learned it right away. I made a nipple bucket for the adult hens, who ignored it. But when the chicks were integrated at 6 weeks, the hens saw them using the nipples, and then wanted in on whatever these youngsters were getting. They now really like pecking the water nipples.
Well, my chooks figured out the "new" bucket waterer fairly quickly(I did demonstrate the process with my finger in front of them) but that being said my girls still much prefer the original waterer to the nipple waterer although they use it also.....
I'm not a fan of nipple water deals. I use whatever I can find that is cheap. I have oil draining pans from the dollar store and cat litter boxes from the dollar store too! It's hot here and some of the chickens like to wade and they can do that. The big black water thing is a mortar mixing tub. $8 at Home Depot. I enjoy filling them and spending time with the flock. If I want to travel I get someone to chicken sit for me!

different water ers.jpg Different water bowls.jpg ;)

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