water leaking into nest boxes

Ok, will see what possiblities are available.

Sometimes they sell an EPDM "seaming strip" that can be a few to several inches wide. It is glued over a seam to reinforce it. EPDM is used for roof membranes as well as pool liners and the stuff is just about as waterproof as Superman's skivvies...good stuff if you can find it and worth keeping around for quick waterproofing jobs...

I don't know what it's called but our patio door has this squishy foam stuff around the door frame that is covered in some kind of water proof fabric (vinyl?) so when you close the door it creates a seal.
yes, that is my quick fix between storms
I put some of that weatherstripping into the hinge seam itself
wet makes nothing stick well enough but with the door closed it is holding ok
will work on more permanent solutions when it dries out a touch
Mediazeal -- wondering what you came up with & would love to see photos. I'm planning my coop and have worried about this very problem. Kansas is famous for sideways rain!
We are finishing up our coop and this same problem is happening to us with our exterior nesting boxes. We first thought it was coming through the wood but now reading this, the hinge area makes sense. It is pooling at one particular area, the lowest part of the lid in the front - gravity helping the water to this area. Then into the first nesting box on the floor i the front corner. Can't figure out where it is coming from? The rest of the lid is dry underneath except for that front corner. Maybe though the mitered corner of the lid? We have had so much rain here in the NE it is annoying.
We are finishing up our coop and this same problem is happening to us with our exterior nesting boxes. We first thought it was coming through the wood but now reading this, the hinge area makes sense. It is pooling at one particular area, the lowest part of the lid in the front - gravity helping the water to this area. Then into the first nesting box on the floor i the front corner. Can't figure out where it is coming from? The rest of the lid is dry underneath except for that front corner. Maybe though the mitered corner of the lid? We have had so much rain here in the NE it is annoying.
I used closed-cell foam window weather stripping on all seams between the lid and the nest box. The self adhesive did not hold so I stapled it in place. My nest box has stayed dry and I live in Florida where it rains almost every afternoon or evening.

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