My chickens are 14 weeks old right now and I have been trying to train them to use my water nipple system, from what I read the best way to train them is to take away their other water and show a few how to use the nipples, eventually they will all get thirsty enough to catch on. I have been doing this off and on for the past week or so, giving them their usual waterer when I go to work since I cant keep an eye on them. I am not out there all day to watch but I have seen at least half of them use the nipples on their own when I do go out there. But how can I tell if they are getting dehydrated and how long would it take. I haven't given them a regular waterer since Friday and it is now Sunday afternoon and I don't see any problems with any of the birds. It is about 80 degrees outside during the day and they do have shade. I am assuming that they are all using it or I would have seen problems by now since they haven't had a regular waterer for 48 hours now?