Waterer fron a 5gallon Bucket/auto water cups


In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2015
Hey guys ive been reading about feeders and waterers. Im tired of water and food being dirty or fallineg out. So this forums and its members ideas help a lot!

Bought 5 chicken cup waterers with nuts washer kit for each. Cost was $20 for the 5. Used 3 on this project, which is overkill for 2 chickens. But i alReady have 2 more on the brooder. :). And even with 4 hens i suspect 2 cups would suffice.

So heres a couple of pics



Im gonna builld the the feeder soon.
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Good build another thing you could do as I did is put a toilet tank float in the bucket and hook a water hose to it that way it's pretty maintenance free just clean once in a while
Im figuring out the float could be nice.

About the nipples, hope they work out, ordered the cups, but either way im sure they'll work just fine. Plz post pics of your setups



Figured out that I needed a larger diameter pipe so the seal wouldn't round out on the pipe and leak. Of course, plumbers tape and a dab of silicone helps too. Got it all assembled and drying out good so I can fill it up in the morning. I'll post a pic of the final product tomorrow. The girls are already pecking at it so I'm sure they'll pick right up on it. Gotta build one for the broiler coop tomorrow too. Already have the nipples on the pipe, just have to put it together and install it. How are those cups working out?

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