Watering chicks 12 wk old while traveling do they Need water?

J chick

In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2017
I am driving my horses and chicks to Colorado 1 June from Texas how often do I need to give them water while traveling ?
Have you seen nipple waterers?
You may want to add one in their "moving cage"

How long is the road trip?
2 days!
Thanks for the advice about nipple waterer!!!! Do you just plug into a tank!?!??
You can "screw" a nipple into just about any plastic container/soda bottle/milk jug/water bottle.
You just gotta make sure you poke a tiny hle in the top of the container so the water will flow.
If you like I will find a link of a "how to" and post it for you??
I just got a 4 pack from tractor supply company for 5 bucks. The first pack I tried leaked a little so I swapped for a different pack. No leaks what so ever and super easy to do. I drilled 3/8 holes put some thread tape on the nipples and screwed them into a five gallon bucket. No leaks! You can do it with a coke bottle lid as well and zip tie them to whatever you are carrying them in.

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