Wattle color at 3 weeks old


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 15, 2011
Athens, GA
Hi! I have a quick question! I hatched out some chicks on 4/1 so they're about 3 weeks old. A couple of the chicks wattles are already turning pink. Would it be safe to assume that these chicks are boys or is it too early to say? Their combs are also larger than the other's combs but are not yet pink.
Hi! I have a quick question! I hatched out some chicks on 4/1 so they're about 3 weeks old. A couple of the chicks wattles are already turning pink. Would it be safe to assume that these chicks are boys or is it too early to say? Their combs are also larger than the other's combs but are not yet pink.
If they're showing color in their wattles/comb at this age, they are probably cockerels.
Yes, reddening at this age usually means cockerel. However, there are always exceptions--I recently hatched a Wyandotte that I was sure was a cockerel, as it had a reddening comb/wattles at about 3 weeks and a very rooster-ish attitude. But later, now that it is about 10 weeks old, it is obvious that it is a pullet. The comb and wattles never grew any redder/larger.

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