Wattles - eggs question


Apr 4, 2019
Miami Florida
My Buff Orpington’s are twenty weeks old.
I thought they would be laying eggs about this time so each morning I check the nesting boxes. No eggs as of yet and seems to me as if they are not even curious about the box.

Today I noticed that they barely have wattles, do wattles have to be fully developed before chickens begin producing eggs ?
If so at what age should it happen ?

Most buff Orpingtons start laying at 5-6 months of age. Combs and wattles will enlarge and get bright red generally around a month or so before they start laying. Keeping them on a starter will help them mature.
Had them on starter feed till 28 weeks.
One of the three had a prominent comb early and developed a larger body so I thought it may be a cockerel but never developed rooster type feathers or wattles.
Had them on starter feed till 28 weeks.
One of the three had a prominent comb early and developed a larger body so I thought it may be a cockerel but never developed rooster type feathers or wattles.
If you posted some pictures people can help sex a suspect bird.

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