Way to secure broken window in garage (theft) ?

Kung Foo Chicken

11 Years
Sep 11, 2008
Upstate, South Carolina
Someone broke into our garage last night by prying open a window with a crowbar.
They had the nerve to take a scooter out the front door of the garage.

We are left with the prospect of how to secure the window better now that
the pryed lock is just broken off. The police weren't very helpful. Anyway
does anyone have any quick ideas of securing that window so the other
two scooters, car parts, riding mower aren't stolen too?

I feel mad but, also weird that someone would do this. They also had to
know it was in there because you can't see it from the windows and they
haven't been driven since late summer.

It is wood framed. We just need something temporary
until we can get some bars for the windows made.
I mean my dad wants to sit out there in the garage
with a 9mm and hope that the thieves return but,
I am telling him that is not wise.
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I'd say screw it shut. That way once you have your bars installed, you can remove the screws, patch the holes and re-paint....

Haha... That's what my Hubby would do, even if he screwed it shut! LOL
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Screw it shut, then put a motion detector light inside the garage. Instead of a light, wire up a LOUD alarm.


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