Ways to punish bad duck behavior?


Free Ranging
Jan 31, 2020
So I went out this morning to see my duckos and as usual Penguin and Pigeon both ran right up to me for their pets. However, this time Penguin got the idea that whenever I stop petting her to pet Pigeon it would be a good idea to violently attack my hands and feet until I started petting her again. It seemed like the usual kind of playful nibbling but she was doing it very very hard! I got a couple bloody spots on my hands and on my feet and she just would not let up. Basically I did what I would do if a dog was playing a little too rough and I just locked her in the coop by herself for 30 minutes so she could have some time to reflect on her behavior 😂 After her 30 minutes in solitary I brought her back out and she is acting normal. My question is, if she does this or something similar again in the future does anyone know any other good ways to try and correct duck behavior?
A hose. Or you could hold her neck, gently, but enough to keep her from nipping or biting. Teach her that you are not to be messed with.
Or you could hold her neck, gently, but enough to keep her from nipping or biting. Teach her that you are not to be messed with.
Haha I tried this I just pinned her down for a few minutes and immediately after I let her go she was right back to attek duck 😂 😂 but she is my only girl who is imprinted on me so she is not scared of me at all.
The more bad behavior you tolerate the more it will escalate. Now is the time to subordinate her, and it doesn't have to be done harshly. Subordinate her again and again until she accepts that you are dominant. This is dominance behavior not misplaced breeding behavior.
The more bad behavior you tolerate the more it will escalate. Now is the time to subordinate her, and it doesn't have to be done harshly. Subordinate her again and again until she accepts that you are dominant. This is dominance behavior not misplaced breeding behavior.
What do you mean by subordinate?
She started doing it again I took a video i'll post link as soon as it is uploaded, it's kinda hilarious she's coming at me like a capercaillie!
Right after putting her in there I went in there with her and the attacking immediately turned into gentle preening. I think she might be trying to show the other girls how tuff she is? or maybe playing?
Do you pet her after she does this? Even just some of the time? I think you are just subconsciously rewarding her for it. Ignore her just like you would a dog and/or if that doesn’t work, get up and walk away briefly. She wants your attention and seems she might be a little jealous? So if you pet her and reward her for that or even talk to her (negative attention is still attention), you reinforcing that behavior and teaching her that it works so she will keep doing it. She wants you to pet her and your attention so don’t. You could try teaching her a different behavior like standing there calmly and take turns petting both of them instead of just one at a time and/or give her some treats when she’s being calm and not attacking. I’m not sure if any of this would work on a duck like it would a dog but I think it should as the principles are the same for all animals and ducks can be pretty smart. I’m not sure that punishment would work because that’s just attention, however negative, and if she is not doing it at any other time and/or randomly attacking you, I don’t think it’s dominance. I think she is just being a bit of a spoiled brat and has learned that this works to get your attention. 😂😁 sorry to say 🙈

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