We Can Change This!!

im in too but i have a ?. i went to my local tsc and asked it they had any vaccines for chickens, or if they could order some. the man and woman behind the counter looked at eachother then at me and said, they make vaccines for chickens? for what? so i named off a few and they had no clue what i was talkin about. the woman said well when my die, i just get more chicks, we will have some here at the end of the month.
what they are not disposable pets! call me a sissy if you must but i cry if mine die. not only does it affect me but it affects my kids. i just looked at her and smiled and said boy would i hate to be one of your pets, and walked out... so i called 2 vets in the area, no one carries vaccines or even treats chickens, so i look on line and find the vaccines but never find a site where i can order them.
SO...... i turn to the chicken bible, this forum and ask for you to hear my prayers,
where do i get vaccines at? i want to vaccinate so i dont chance my chickens getting sick and having to cull another flock.
Hey gang! I'm still here, and this issue is still in the forefront of my minds. But I'm sure you all know how slow progress can be on something like this, when ones day to day life gets in the way of doing what we'd really rather be doing. Like getting big corporations to give us what we want!

So, I'll keep looking whenever I have a spare moment, for the information we need to put the ball in motion on this little pet project [no pun intended] I hope everyone else will help by keeping their eyes open for any leads on who we need to contact to let our desires be known.

This idea would be good for the companies, good for backyard flocks everywhere and good for those of us who love these birds. It's a win/win all the way around if you ask me. How could they possibly turn us down when they see how many of us there are!?!?
Hey BBNB. Welcome to our dilemma! Most farm or pet places don't have the first clue when it comes to anything regarding chickens. My first piece of advice to you is to look for a feed and farm supply house that has more knowledgeable staff than the one you recently encountered. And believe me when I say, we share your pain. I think just about all of us have run up against the clueless fidiots on more than one occasion! If you do manage to find a better place, be sure to cultivate a good customer/shop owner relationship. It will greatly help you in the future!

OK, on to your specific problem of not being able to find vaccines. Here's a link to a place that has just about everything you could possibly need.


That right there should take you directly to their available vaccines page. For other vaccine related items, i.e. syringes, shipping coolers, etc, just look for the links on the page itself. You might also want to start at their home page and see all of the other great stuff that they have. And by all means, ask around here if folks have a specific supplier that they prefer and have had good experiences with. It's always nice to know who you can trust and who you should avoid like the plague!

Hope this helps you to find just what you need!
Hey BBNB. Welcome to our dilemma! Most farm or pet places don't have the first clue when it comes to anything regarding chickens. My first piece of advice to you is to look for a feed and farm supply house that has more knowledgeable staff than the one you recently encountered. And believe me when I say, we share your pain. I think just about all of us have run up against the clueless fidiots on more than one occasion! If you do manage to find a better place, be sure to cultivate a good customer/shop owner relationship. It will greatly help you in the future!

OK, on to your specific problem of not being able to find vaccines. Here's a link to a place that has just about everything you could possibly need.


That right there should take you directly to their available vaccines page. For other vaccine related items, i.e. syringes, shipping coolers, etc, just look for the links on the page itself. You might also want to start at their home page and see all of the other great stuff that they have. And by all means, ask around here if folks have a specific supplier that they prefer and have had good experiences with. It's always nice to know who you can trust and who you should avoid like the plague!

Hope this helps you to find just what you need!

thank you soooooo much for the responce, i am checking it out now. i honestly think i am the only one in a 5 county radious that cares about my chickens the way i do. everyone seems to think that im crazy for loving these birds so much. to me i think they alot prettier than the exoctic birds out there and wish others would take there beauty and benifits into consideration. fresh eggs, less bugs, compost, meat( which i cant do, could never eat one of my chickens, nor sell them for meat, but i do understand the people that do. there is nothing more relaxing than sitting in my garden, pulling the weeds, watching the chickens play in the yard and throwing them an occasional worm and watching them play tug awar. thanks again for your help on protecting my flock, my girls thank you too

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