we don't need no stinkin' coop!

Way to go Rhandi-Jayne - show them who's boss.

I use a herding rod - a long slender copper pipe bent at L-shape at end which I found laying around here - used to be part of gas line I think. Anyway, the minute any of them see me with that rod they give it up and head into the coop. I also use it to get the 14 roosters out of coop in the morning because they bother the hens. I can use the "hook" on the end to noose one if it runs by me which they sometimes try but for the most part, all the ducks and chickens have become trained to going in when they see me grab my Shepherd Rod.
Leah-yes I know I'm crazy :

Thanks for the idea. I think you have just solved my bird in the pine tree problem. Without a chainsaw.

Works like a charm - use it every time and they learn that they need to go in or they get a little prod and no need to try and duck around me because I can catch them with the "hook" or block them as they try and pass.​
We have two toms that will not go inside at night. They are ina separate pen from the younger hens and tom. The younger ones go inside as I feed them their evening meal so no problem But Gobbles and Rufus will not go inside at all. I even put a dog house in their yard to see if they would use that with the opening, but they won't. Gobbles always gave me a hard time from the first he was put out of the brooder. He sleeps on top of a table He ignores the roost. Hes been in this yard for 1 1/2 years now So far no predators have tried to get him. ANd he bullys the dogs so they don't bother him either.
How old are those turkeys? They are really cute!

Glad to know I'm not the only one who as soon as they get home runs around gathering everyone up and tucking them in bed.
i believe the oldest is 11 or 12 weeks off the top of my head.

i don't use a hook, just pick them up or give them a little push to jump down and in they go. they also like to hop the gates and free range with the chickens.

the chickens hop the gate to get back in. the turkeys, however, have no clue how to do anything in reverse. they sit outside and chirp until i come open the gate and let them in. they have to walk back and forth past the open area at least twice before they realize it's open. we love their crazy little ways.
last night, everyone went in on their own! wooo hooo. good thing, because my 11 yr. old did the closing up. less work for her.

this morning, the oldest bourbon decided he would march around strutting and gobbling. quite a show!

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