We have a roo?

Thanks, everyone! This is our first flock and Diane/Dan was a random selection at the supply store. We have 3 Easter Eggers, 3 speckled Sussex and 2 Barred Rock...so it’s oddly appropriate for our lone Wyandotte to be a roo.

We have 3 young kids and they pronounce Diane with an almost British accent (we r not British)...so it’s already comical and I’m not sure the kids will take to a name change

We have no regulations about roosters but do have some close neighbors. Hopefully Diane stays a good roo with our kids, her girls and keeps her voice at a reasonable level.

Any advice on raising a good roo is greatly appreciated! We handled our chicks early on and now pretty much let them be chickens.
I wrote this article hoping people in a similar position to yours might read it and avoid turning up on this forum a few months on with cockerel/rooster problems which unfortunately often end in the demise of the poor rooster.
I hope it gives you some ideas.
He will more than likely crow more often and louder as a maturing cockerel than he will as a full fledged adult, so if he's borderline tolerable as a 'teen', you shouldn't have noise issues when he's fully grown. Just don't want you thinking OMG, he's too loud, when he's not fully developed his crowing style.
He will more than likely crow more often and louder as a maturing cockerel than he will as a full fledged adult, so if he's borderline tolerable as a 'teen', you shouldn't have noise issues when he's fully grown. Just don't want you thinking OMG, he's too loud, when he's not fully developed his crowing style.

Thanks! That’s helpful to know. He’s about 5 months old and just started becoming more vocal. In a matter of days he seems to have slipped into his role as rooster...so much fun watching him and his ladies.

We bought a blue-laced, does that seem accurate? From pictures on the internet I wondered if he was golden-laced.

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