WE HAVE EGGS! Now, what color are they? What breed is this hen?

What part is a shank? I'm new to chickens. This is my first one. Thanks!

Shanks are the front of the legs.

Ok... I finally got a good look at this chickens shanks. They are white/grey.

Stillllllllll no eggs. I wonder if she's feeding the local black snake population.

Definitely time to build her a hen house.
At the very top of the page there are links to the Learning Center and to Coop Designs. Might find this useful reading.
Bringing up this old thread. My bantam game ?? hen shown in the first post back in 2009 is slowly declining and I can't bring myself to put her down. She's on metacam pain meds to help with pain if she has any.

I'm not sure what happened. She seemed fine a few days ago but suddenly was sick with a rock hard crop. I treated her and it did get better but she is getting weaker. We're guessing it could be due to old age. She's roughly 9 - 10 years old.


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