We know broody hens. How about a nanny hen?

Damn. Just when she was getting rolling in her current role as nanny to the new EEs. Millie fell asleep in the run tonight, and I had to wake her up to take her to her perch in the coop. I had a hunch she might be dying because this isn't normal for her. When I checked on her in the coop a few minutes later, she was about the fall off the perch. I knew then my hunch was on target. So I brought her indoors so her death wouldn't create a panic in the coop. I finished up outside and when I came in, Millie had died.

She had gone broody in mere days, emitting the repetitive broody cluck and tidbitting to the chicks. She was very devoted to the chicks until tonight. RIP Millie.

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