I hope they get better Maxx.
I know you have lost a lot lately.
Very common in USA. Mareks virus kills more chckens than any other disease. It has various symptoms. Some chickens can have it and not show any sypmtoms at all and just cause sudden death. The virus attacks different parts of a chicken's body, resultign in an array of symptoms from droopy wing, paralyzed leg, low head, twisted neck, blindness to sudden death. Typically if chicks reach maturity they develop a natural resistance so it's seen mostly in young birds and maturing birds.

I'm sure if you google it you'll find all sorts of info on it too.

Max, I wish I could offer some words to help you...but I am just learning about the wonders of chickens. I am sorry for your loss. Hope that you can remedy the problem w.o. any more losses. how devestating.
Maxx, have you taken a fecal smaple to the vet? Looking for worms, coccidia and anything else that might be indicative?

Not all coccidia are susceptable to the same meds, so it is still possible that it is coccidiosis, even though you have been treating with sulmet. It may well be something else, but that would be one more thing ruled out.
I know Vet bills are not cheap, but wow, this does not seem to have an end.
One fecal sample on the typical bird that died would probably give you the answer.
With all the time and effort you have given your birds it may be worth the cost to find out just what is doing this to them.
Then you can use preventative measures on the rest or future birds.
I am really sorry you are having to deal with this. Sad, frustrating and discouraging. I wish you the very best luck with your remaining ones.
And thank you for updating and sharing so we can learn along with you.

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