Go right to the manufacturer for Corid (amprolium) information and where you can purchase it. The phone number is 1-888-merial1
Just as others have suggested, I want to reiterate that the possibility of cocci, and I want to clarify for you that while some cocci strains are weakened by Sulmet, others are not, and Sulmet can be hard on the already weakened bird.

Amprolium, whether Corid or another brand, is a Thiamin blocker and weakens or kills many strains of cocci without doing any damage to the bird. It is found in different brands, and generally you will find it with cattle medicines in feed and farm stores. I urge you to try this to be thorough in attempting to treat this illness. You won't be sure you have really tried unless you do this, as Sulmet is only trying half the possibilities.

I wish you luck. Don't give up and be thorough in searching for the answer!
I'm so sorry about your flock.

If you still need or want the phone number for the

State of Florida's

Animal Diagnostic lab in Live Oak

(386) 330-5700

So sorry about your loss!
We know you're doing your best for them -- don't give up!

I want to second (or third) the Corid; the Sulmet doesn't seem to be doing the job.

Good luck -- we're all pulling for you!
I read through half of the thread and am so sorry for you. If your birds did not respond the the sulmet, it probably isnt cocci. You really should get a fecal test done immediately. Either rule it out or confirm it before you lose any more.

On a different note, this could be something fungal and the use of certain medications can make the infection more aggressive. Take a look in the remaining chickens throats, look for any types of lesions or discolorations. I have been doing research on fungal infections and canker and found that it is way more prevalent than I ever imagined. Look as deep into the throat as possible.

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