We made magical reindeer food today.

Very nice poem! If you put the little gliter in and the birds ate it at least you would be able to see the poo before you stepped in it...lol Kinda like when the dog eats your kids' crayons, for days later you know just what colors are missing.. Jenn
Very thoughtful and sweet
My son made something similar last year in preschool. He and I had a great time sprinkling it outside on x-mas eve, and the sparkles even glittered in the moonlight. I'd love to make some again this year, but wasn't sure what to put in it. Never thought of chicken food!

Great idea!

In this crazy world of war and famine it is nice to believe in something fun like flying reindeer...he would kill me if he knew I posted this but my 17 year old son still believes he saw the easter bunny go through the house when he was about 6!! I hope he always believes that, one innocent memory!! Sooooo, make more reindeer food and let's ll believe!!

.....no, I swear, and I've told ya'll before, I don't smoke anything, don't take anything and really don't drink!!! just the naturally crazy variety of chicken lover here!!!....

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