We Need a Miracle UPDATED : He didn't make it. RIP Luke

RIP Luke
The only good thing that comes out of this is he will not suffer any longer. You will always have memories of Luke. Our dog lived for 17 years when we had to put her down:( They bring such joy into our loves and of course unconditional love. Time is a great healer....
I had no idea so many people on here had Shelties. They are truly the best dogs. My children will definitely have a Sheltie as they grow up. Poor Luke was only 7 years old :(
ChicknThief, I am so sorry to read of Luke's passing - for YOU. Luke is now running in the Sunny Meadow, chasing sheepies, eating gourmet chicken poop from beloved birds who are also there, sunning themselves and finding the best ever bugs and grubs. They all go to the Sunny Meadow, you know.

My very best dog ever, Beauregard the beagle, suffered kidney failure himself when he was 13 years old. My wonderful vet gave him subcutaneous water injections every two days, because he stopped drinking. He'd drink water from my hand only because he wanted to please me. But he was ready to go, finally. It was cruel for me to keep him when he was miserable. I was with him when she helped him cross over to the Sunny Meadow, painlessly.

I have had other dogs since and have two now. Beau's memories are with me forever, as will Luke's with you.
a friend posted this on another forum. I thought you would like it.

Dear Lord,

Please open your gates and call St. Francis
to come escort this beloved companion
across the Rainbow Bridge.

Assign him to a place of honor,
for he has been a faithful servant
and has always done his best to please me.

Bless the hands that send him to you,
for they are doing so in love and compassion,
freeing him from pain and suffering.

Grant me the strength not to dwell on my loss.
Help me remember the details of his life
with the love he has shown me.
And grant me the courage to honor him
by sharing those memories with others.

Let him remember me as well
Let him know that I will always love him.
And when it's my time to pass over into your paradise,
Please allow him to accompany those
Who will bring me home.

Thank you, Lord,
for the gift of his companionship
and for the time we've had together.

And thank you, Lord,
for granting me the strength
to give him to you now.
I am so very sorry to hear about Luke. I used to own a sheltie and we ended up having to put her down when she was only 11. We believe she fell down the stairs. It screwed her up bad and she was never able to come out of it. She eventually developed seizures and we had to put her down. She was an amazing dog.
It is very hard saying goodbye to them.

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