We need everyones prayers please.( results on page 7) already

I am also praying....
Its amazing to me how many people believe in the power of prayer, this forum has been a blessing to me today, to see the many prayers that flow out to a complete stranger in need.

You people are awesome!
Thank you so much. She is 7. And yes we are very much a Christian family. The Lord has already gave her new kidneys. And has heal my wife from stage four cancer. The four year old twin had bacteria in her blood he healed that. The other twin died in my arms and God brought him back. I really could go on. This is just a a lets say a nothing. God can do it all. I beleive I just felt lead to ask ya'll to pray. And look what happen. Is'nt God good. Thank ya;ll Very much
I have my own Alyssa. Will definately be praying for your little girl. I have an alarm set on my phone for 1:15 pm EST each day for a little boy named Buddy from this forum. I will add Alyssa to that prayer time. It is an honor to go to the Lord for Alyssa and your family.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the love this family has for You. Thank you for their faith. Lord thank you for the folks on this forum who believe. Touch this child and make her whole and healthy. May you be glorified through this healing. We ask that you will touch her with your loving hands and heal her if this is Your will.

In Jesus holy name,

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