We need everyones prayers please.( results on page 7) already

We had a young boy in our neighborhood that was in a bad car accident. They were going to pull him off life support, it was heartbreaking. I prayed so deeply I felt it move my spirit. Today he got his drivers permit. I believe and I will be praying.
I had her look on here. To show her all of the people from every were praying for her. Just just smiled so big. We havn't told every thing she don't need to know becouse its not going to mount to nothing
I'm glad you let her see how many people are praying. Its good for them to see the power of prayer...This is stuff you'll never see on CNN.....

...when I was little and sick with the flu, or cold, my Mom would put me on the couch w/ a blanket, pillow, and I got to run the remote control; then she would sit on my feet and crochet stuff.

Come to think of it, she was either holding me down because I was hyper, or one of my 6 siblings took her favorite chair....hmmm.....
More prayers are going up from VA for Alyssa.

My dh recenlty went to the doc with the same symptoms. Turns out it was a relapse of the mono he had in high school.
I am praying for Alyssa and your family!!

Prayer and the good Lord saved my baby just last year!! At three years old she had a rare and massive stroke. It was located in her brain stem/cerebellum area. We knew it was very touch and go but later found out just how much. Only 40 children in the world have ever been diagnosed with this type of stroke, of those 40, only 4 have survived. Our daughter was the 4th to survive and the youngest at only 3 years old!!

Today my baby is a walking miracle!! She still has some effects on her left side (weaker) but has regained everything else back, talking, potty trained again, able to eat everything (it affected her swallowing and she wasn't allowed anything by mouth for months), walking, running, dancing, complete memory and smart as a whip!! Learning to read and spell at only 4!!

Yes, I believe and I am praying!!
I may be new to this Forum but not new to prayer. I will lift up your Alyssa in prayers.
Stay positive and keep the Faith. As a parent I know that is hard to do when our babies are ill or hurting.
I can never repay all the people who lifted up prayers for my son 4 yrs ago as he was fighting for his life on a respirator....today he is a walking miracle....Your Alyssa is in good hands my Dear...The greatest Physician of all...Our Heavenly Father

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