We need everyones prayers please.( results on page 7) already

I understand the power of prayer, perhaps not in the exact same way most folks do. Through the years I have had my own medical miricles that no one should be able to "live through"- I did and said that when any soul that walks this earth needs the healing of Jesus and the healing of the angels, I would speak softly and ask for the lives of those in need recieve the white and golden light that shines from the heavens.
God bless your girl and her family too. For those who believe and pray for goodness, may you also feel that positive love from God.
About every time i come back somebody else has posted. This place is really awesome. God blees ya'll my wife can't beleive the love on here. I pray God will bless each and everyone of ya'll.
to Alyssa and her Family. Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for this Family and their Faith. If it be Your will please put Your healing touch on this child. Bless her and her Family, Comfort them, give them a Peace that transcends all understanding. Thank Your Lord for Your unending Love. Thank You Jesus for touching Alyssa. Best wishes to the Family and Alyssa.
They already got the test results back. It is just vireal. Thank ya'll so much. If it wasn't for every one pray i beleive it wouldn'y be good. They said they couldn't find nothing. Man God is awesome. It makes you think. If we all could pray together we can do any thing. If any of you are on a prayer chain I would be more than happy to join. Thank ya'll so much we was so scared it was cancer becouse of it being on one side. Maybe it was God healed it. God bless every body ya'll are so awesome. PRAISE GOD!


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