We Quit Cigarettes

Hey, I read earlier today that Ivermectin was being studied and showing promise (in vitro) for treating C-19. Apparently it prevents the virus RNA from gaining access to cell nuclei.


It's already used in humans for various parasites. I was trying to figure out how much to drench my calves with for flies and this tidbit just popped up in the search results, so of course I had to check it out.

The thing is, all meds are toxic to some degree. That is why they work (if they work). Nicotine is for sure toxic. It's maybe worth studying for pharmaceutical uses. Of course it wouldn't likely be very profitable--something so common and easily obtained, so prolly not gonna happen. 🤷‍♀️
We use both a spray on Ivomec (Bimectin) for flies on cows along with ear tags. For the <2 month old calves we us an injectable Ivomec at a dose of 1 cc per 110 pounds.

Yes, but I haven't made zucchini bread since last summer. It's more like cake to me, heavy on sugar and oil and vanilla.... expensive ingredients and not like bread at all.
I love making regular bread though.
Same recipe for Persimmon bread made in the fall.

This isn't a ferment, though, since it's processed right away. I'm guessing that the sugar here is for taste and that the recipe would work (technically) with or without it, but they're SWEET pickles after all. I enjoy sweet pickles--just not TOO sweet.

I'm also wondering, and maybe you guys or someone else here will know: can pickles be preserved by fermenting alone, and keep the active culture? I'm gonna guess that will be a "no," or at least a "not for a real long time."
I make kraut with salt. Pickles fermented have about a two year window before they start getting soft if kept in a dark location/pantry.

These pickles will not in anyway taste like what you are accustomed to from what store bought pickles taste like. The green tomato relish is a sweet relish but also does not in anyway taste like what you are accustomed to from a store bought sweet relish.

One of the anticipations when eating a jar of these pickles is to get to the jalapenos when the pickles are gone. They are delicious too.
Sounds like recipes from the "Joy of Cooking" book by Irma S. Rombauer first published in 1931. I have the 1953 edition.
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Sounds like recipes from the "Joy of Cooking" book by Irma S. Rombauer first published in 1931. I have the 1953 edition.
Any similarity is purely coincidental. This is a recipe that I made up through trial and error trying to duplicate the pickled green tomatoes that a coworker gave me years ago.
Onion kraut that I have fermenting right now. With onions from the garden of course. Started this ferment on 5/25. I've found the onions and dilly beans I prefer to ferment longer before refrigerating.


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Spicy stew made from leftover petite sirloin I cooked up last night. Features onion, garlic, basil and spinach from my garden, along with some Thai chili I grew last year and dehydrated. Also some store bought veggies in this.
It's what's for lunch, and dinner


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