We Quit Cigarettes

Almost time to give these little terrors a bath. I'll read a book or 3 and try putting on a movie afterward. Younger toddler rummaging through the trash can like a dog right now🙄. I just pulled him off the kitchen table a minute ago, he was dancing on it. . . . 🤬 :he:mad::love
I am winning.... But it still smells good to me too.
And y'all remember my husband smokes so I am around it every day!
i'm sorry but, I'm sorry. I am actually alergic to tobacco and its smoke.... found this out in the navy. In S.E.R.E. school.... not a fun experience.

I can not imagine the level of struggle while he still smokes around you.
i'm sorry but, I'm sorry. I am actually alergic to tobacco and its smoke.... found this out in the navy. In S.E.R.E. school.... not a fun experience.

I can not imagine the level of struggle while he still smokes around you.
You know it's weird.
It's much harder when I'm alone than when he is here smoking.
I miss it most in the morning with coffee and late in the evening after dinner.
You know it's weird.
It's much harder when I'm alone than when he is here smoking.
I miss it most in the morning with coffee and late in the evening after dinner.
You're doing so great, Shaw. You amaze me! Keep plowing ahead--the way out is straight through. Just don't stop. You are winning! :hugs
Your still getting the nicotine high from 2nd hand smoke still around him; so that's very likely why your having a harder time when he's not there. Biology, nothing more, nothing less.

Sorry in advance if this bothers anyone. Here is a very mini history of sorts....
Mom's 1st 18 years at home with the 2nd hand smoke from Gramma & Grampa is what did her in.....if I only knew back in '96 what I know now..... Mom might still be around...... she had a doc. do a full chest x-ray (during that full physical in '96) and he asked her if she still smoked (she told me that evening she wanted to slap him for suggesting it) but, realized he didn't know. She asked why he said that, and he showed her the x-ray and said these are lungs of a pack-a-day smoker. 10 years later her last 6 months were horendous.

Sorry Shawn, just don't stop your effort to get/stay clean. You will keep winning and it will get better. (thanks to everyone here for all they do too!)
You're doing so great, Shaw. You amaze me! Keep plowing ahead--the way out is straight through. Just don't stop. You are winning! :hugs
Awh..thank you. :hugs

I'm not one to say "I'll never smoke again"
I probably will at some point.
But I hope I will not choose to continue to smoke on a daily basis again.
I cannot say I'll never do something...I set myself up to fail when I say that. :lau
It's better for me to tell myself I can have a cigarette if I get good and darned ready to.
I am choosing not to smoke. I am not forbidding myself to have one.
Your still getting the nicotine high from 2nd hand smoke still around him; so that's very likely why your having a harder time when he's not there. Biology, nothing more, nothing less.

Sorry in advance if this bothers anyone. Here is a very mini history of sorts....
Mom's 1st 18 years at home with the 2nd hand smoke from Gramma & Grampa is what did her in.....if I only knew back in '96 what I know now..... Mom might still be around...... she had a doc. do a full chest x-ray (during that full physical in '96) and he asked her if she still smoked (she told me that evening she wanted to slap him for suggesting it) but, realized he didn't know. She asked why he said that, and he showed her the x-ray and said these are lungs of a pack-a-day smoker. 10 years later her last 6 months were horendous.

Sorry Shawn, just don't stop your effort to get/stay clean. You will keep winning and it will get better. (thanks to everyone here for all they do too!)
I don't know why any part of that would offend/bother me or anyone else. 💁
Sorry about your mom. Total suck.

My lungs are probably already screwed anyway. My mom always smoked. Most of My family members did too.
In the house...in the car..
I've always been around 2nd hand smoke.

I Don't think I'm getting a whole lot of 2nd hand nicotine high from the hubby because we smoke outside.
I think it's more boredom when I'm alone and run out of stuff to do.
Awh..thank you. :hugs

I'm not one to say "I'll never smoke again"
I probably will at some point.
But I hope I will not choose to continue to smoke on a daily basis again.
I cannot say I'll never do something...I set myself up to fail when I say that. :lau
It's better for me to tell myself I can have a cigarette if I get good and darned ready to.
I am choosing not to smoke. I am not forbidding myself to have one.
I love this mindset. Mine is similar, it helps to not make yourself promises that you might break further down the road. Whatever gets you through this, one day at a time is fantastic! I'm seriously proud of you, you have more willpower than I do for sure. I had to rid my house of anything smoking related, and I STILL occasionally fall off the wagon. Having someone around the home who smokes would totally trigger me.

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