We Quit Cigarettes

Finally on the downhill slope I do believe. I have a few more days of prednisone to take. Praying to God it does not come back.
I've been awful lazy not wanting to get out and move much because of it. 🤦 I've gained some more weight😭
Don't play in it anymore. Make sure the dog stays out of it too.

I've been losing weight.
🙄 I better start doin some of Kiki's thingies. I wasn't too upset about gaining the first five pounds after quitting smoking.
I expected that..
This 5 lbs I am not happy about.
I don't bother to weigh myself. I go by things like I had to punch a new hole in my belt decreasing its size by 2" and it already could use another 1" decrease.
🙄 I better start doin some of Kiki's thingies. I wasn't too upset about gaining the first five pounds after quitting smoking.
I expected that..
This 5 lbs I am not happy about.
I’ve gained so much weight recently 😭 I’ve been steadily gaining since about March or slightly before so it’s not really that big of a surprise BUT what was a surprise was that I’m back over 200 again 😭 granted I’ve eaten a lot today but still, even so, I’m probably still in the high 190s on an empty stomach which is till closer than I’d like :(
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I took a puff off the man's smoke the other night. I Can't say I hated it.
But taking the puff did not make me feel the need to light one up and smoke a full cigg. I call that a win!
That is definitely a win! As time goes by, the urge subsides. Even when I do smoke it tastes nasty and I wonder why I would do such a thing.
I edited my previous post to clarify some things. Realized the way I worded it made it sound like I was almost 300 cause I didn’t specify but I’m not hahah I should have said 190s not just 90s, I’m not that high thankfully. Realized that may have sounded like it though by accident haha whoops 🙈 I’m like just barely over 200, like a pound or two, and probably below it on an empty stomach but still. Considering I got down to like 175 last year, it’s a lot. :(

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