We Quit Cigarettes

@Kiki it will be almost 11 months for me since i quit, i smoked for 10 years and loved it

But now i love not waking up wheezing!

A few weeks ago i lit a cigarette and the first puff made me gag and i through it out. i knew then that i had it beat. Beleive me there will be a point when all thaught and craving stops
Good luck!
@Jpat please tell me you are still winning!
Congrats on almost making it to bedtime! 👍👍:celebrate
I didn't have to give up nicotine, but I did give up processed sugar a while, and wow - I didnt know what crankiness was until I experienced sugar-deprived crankiness! Amazing what a fight the bad stuff puts up when we start telling the bad stuff, No!
Are you still fighting sugar?
Congratulations @Kiki and others on this thread who are winning.
I stumbled across this thread today and it reminded me that I gave up smoking 35 years ago.
I am not sure if that makes me feel proud or old! Both really.
I'd vote both!
So here's my 2 cents. I smoked since I was 16, I used Chantix 2 years ago to quit. I gave myself a quit date something reasonable you need to honestly be on the meds for a good 2/3 weeks. You will slowly find yourself not reaching for a cigarette longer and longer in between them. They will start to taste disgusting (more so then normal 🤣) it took me about 8 weeks to fully stop smoking and craving them constantly
Congratulations @Kiki and others on this thread who are winning.
I stumbled across this thread today and it reminded me that I gave up smoking 35 years ago.
I am not sure if that makes me feel proud or old! Both really.
For me its only 26 years ago I struggled to quit smoking. So much healthier not to smoke!

Congrats to all who quit smoking and everyone that concurred an addiction.

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