We Quit Cigarettes

Hey Urs, don't let one comment ruin your whole mood. I find it's helpful to laugh it off or just put the phone down and stress clean for an hour or so before making any brash decisions.
The internet is hard to navigate and we say things in text that we'd never dream of saying in person. Best to not sweat the small stuff.

That being said, I've loved this thread and some of you I sincerely consider to be real friends. That's why I took a few days to chew on this before saying anything. I don't know how many people care, but I'm quitting BYC for some time. I find it's very hard on my mental health to be so personal with people who are still so distant, or who don't neccesarily reciprocate or can't understand.
I thought I'd give y'all the courtesy of a heads up instead of ghosting for months like I have in the past. I hope this isn't weird, and sorry for the bad timing.
I'll occasionally check back for PM's or targeted messages when I remember.
Love y'all
Peace Tes. Best wishes with health & school. Don’t be a stranger too long
I used to be that skinny, long long ago........is that a current pic @Kiki ?
yes, fairly recent.

@Ursuline Chick - very glad to see you are back & I hope you stay. I still imagine you crawling under the coop in a night gown. What an adventure!

positive thoughts headed your way for another adventure today.

Gotta let the hens out now. Cheers!
Well, that didn't work like I had planned, so much for trying to be kind and understanding, perhaps I'll be back in a year or so when I won't get chewed out for asking people to be kind and understanding of others. Sorry I thought this was a support thread, my mistake.
If this is how everyone is going to behave while trying to quit bad habits, I think I'd rather smoke.

@KDOGG331 , sorry asking for kindness and understanding is considered "shit" by you.

@Ursuline Chick hope that you are still here. You need this thread, and this thread needs you. This was/is a support thread.
I see. I can only speak English right now -- well, English, Gallusese (chicken language) and Nimudaeian (language of guinea fowl) -- but I'm working on Japanese right now. It's tricky, but fun.
Does your husband (or whatever a "DD" is; I can't figure it out) speak much French other than the Lord's Prayer?
Damn daughter
@Kiki, welcome to day 21!
day 21.jpg
Well, that didn't work like I had planned, so much for trying to be kind and understanding, perhaps I'll be back in a year or so when I won't get chewed out for asking people to be kind and understanding of others. Sorry I thought this was a support thread, my mistake.
If this is how everyone is going to behave while trying to quit bad habits, I think I'd rather smoke.

@KDOGG331 , sorry asking for kindness and understanding is considered "shit" by you.
Kdog needs to wake up.

Pay no attention to her.
Peace Tes. Best wishes with health & school. Don’t be a stranger too long
yes, fairly recent.

@Ursuline Chick - very glad to see you are back & I hope you stay. I still imagine you crawling under the coop in a night gown. What an adventure!

positive thoughts headed your way for another adventure today.

Gotta let the hens out now. Cheers!
Well shoot...I could have kept reading.

See @aart
Hey Urs, don't let one comment ruin your whole mood. I find it's helpful to laugh it off or just put the phone down and stress clean for an hour or so before making any brash decisions.
The internet is hard to navigate and we say things in text that we'd never dream of saying in person. Best to not sweat the small stuff.

That being said, I've loved this thread and some of you I sincerely consider to be real friends. That's why I took a few days to chew on this before saying anything. I don't know how many people care, but I'm quitting BYC for some time. I find it's very hard on my mental health to be so personal with people who are still so distant, or who don't neccesarily reciprocate or can't understand.
I thought I'd give y'all the courtesy of a heads up instead of ghosting for months like I have in the past. I hope this isn't weird, and sorry for the bad timing.
I'll occasionally check back for PM's or targeted messages when I remember.
Love y'all
I'm going to the post office today.

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