We Quit Cigarettes

The mouth lesions are caused by the horrible stuff you are shoving into your pie hole, irritating your mouth. It doesn't have to be tobacco or the adulterants in it.

LOOK at what we eat. Can you name all the chemicals in that cup of mermaid d-rhea you just paid 7 dollars for to drink? What about all those stabilizers, and preservatives in processed food. Deli Ham, Bologna, heck any meat really, is just slammed with Nitrates and Salts. One of those 'pickling salts' is what they use in the executioners chamber to stop your heart.

Now lets look at all the soda's and energy drinks people are constantly shoving down their faces too. Corn Syrup. A chemically created / processed sugar. Yah, im sure that's real good for you in the long run. But it shore tastes purty right??

The energy drinks, just like those vape cigarettes, there has not been enough time passed to start seeing the REAL damage they are causing. Oh but it's Organic, technically, so is Cyanide. Just like in the 50's and 60's cigarettes were cool, oh yah they can cause cancer but that's just scare mongering.. in 2020, is the truth still the same?? GIve it a few decades, all these vape pens and Bubba's Barn Blaster 8 hour energy syrups, you are going to start seeing the real fallout. By then they made their billions and have left town.

No wonder everyone is sick, getting cancer and a fat slob. Get away from the pre made, processed stuff. SPEND the extra 45 minutes or whatever to prepare your OWN FRESH foods.

You go to bed, you are a good little drone, you brush your teeth (with sugary toothpaste) and then rinse thoroughly with mouthwash (with bone eating flouride and more sweeteners) then goto bed with all this sticky but fresh smelling !!!! stuff all over your mouth. You for once in the entire day shut your chicken licker, and set up an anerobic environment for whatever bugaboos that want, to have a party in for 6 to 8 hours.

You want to live a long life?
Snore, Drool, and have stinky breath !!

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