We Rescued This Beautiful Small Rooster --What Breed?

From your description he sounds like an American Game or an EE. Also, your Araucana hen might actually be an Easter Egger. Easter Eggers are mixed breed chickens that lay blue/green eggs while true Araucanas are very rare and are tufted and rumpless (they are missing the last vertebra and have no tail).
And you can stop your rooster from being so aggressive. He thinks that he is at the top of the pecking order and you need to show him that you are. My RIR rooster was aggressive for a while but if you just pick them up at the first sign of aggression and carry them around for a while they might stop. I did this to Tallulah and after about two weeks he completely stopped being aggressive towards me (though he still doesn't like other people).
it depends on the ducks you buy if you get indian runners i believe they do not fly but other breeds will fly off but i like to have a roof on to prevent predators getting my flock. i do not no anything about turkeys or geese someone else has told you what EE etc means so i think thats everything.

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