we woke up to a chicken massacre. ANy ideas?


10 Years
May 31, 2009
Half the flock was dead this morning.
The kids were bawling, I had tears streaming and the hubby was trying his best to keep us all calm. The best guess is a raccoon or weazel. Does anyone have any ideas how to prevent this from happening again...

We have a secure building but we got home late lastnight and locked them up well after midnight.

I'm paranoid now.

So sad - poor birds

I'm not clear on pred access: do you know if they were okay or not at the point you locked them up?
How did they get in? This way all of us can give you our suggestions for fixing the problem.

I'm very sorry for your loss. All of us get so close to them.
I guess I should say I thought the building was secure. We haven't had any issues for 8 weeks we have had them.

THere was a small opening we found by one of the old sliding doors that was may 6inches by 6 inches. Its now sealed... permanently.

This was a very large chicken coop used years ago by the previous owners. We double fenced the run outside.

I guess i was just so shocked because they weren't eaten at all. Just ... well... headless.

Tonight is going to be pretty sleepless.

The kids seemed to have recovered faster than me. We were at the county fair telling me, and showing me all the types of chickens they want with our next order for the fair next year.

Thanks everyone,


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