Weak chick after tough hatch: Update: Chick did not make it.


11 Years
May 8, 2008
Cottage Grove, OR
Had a chick that hatched yesterday and it was not a good hatch. Very tough, took almost 48 hours for it to break out of shell. Had a lot of dried yolk and other matter matted all over body. We cleaned him up as much as we could. His wing, was stuck to his body but we were able to clean that up. Part of the shell was dried to the side of his head and we were able to add more moisture and it came off easily. The first day he just layed there, and both me and my wife were certain he would pass away over night. Woke up this morning and he was moving around the incubator by pushing himself with his legs. This afternoon he can almost get his legs underneath him. There was a lot of blood in and around his shell, and a lot of other "gross" (quote from my daughter) looking stuff when he hatched. His belly is dark and he still has a lot of dried spaces on him. His anus is clean and clear. Here are some pics:

This is about as well as he can hold his head up:

This is his back end and belly:

His wing just hanging down:

All he is doing now in the brooder, enjoying the heat lamp:

Any suggestions on how to help get more strength? Have read about sugar water, but no idea on how much sugar to water.


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I think just time to rest and recuperate. He should be full of yolk, so he's probably not thirsty, yet. He does look very weak though. When I used sugar water for my shipped hatchery chicks - I just used about 2T in a qt of warm water for all 30 of them. Sugar water contributes to pasty butt, so use sparingly.
The little one didn't make it. We tried to get some water in her, but she just never could get her strength up. I went in last night to check on her and she was having small convulsions so I held her for the last minute.

This is the first death on our farm (and we know not the last one), and it has been hard on our youngest. In some ways, I think this is a good lesson for my daughters to learn and should help them over their lives.

Thanks for the help and support.


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