Weak quail chick *Taken a turn for the worse last post* PLEASE HELP!!


13 Years
Jan 19, 2010
Calvert County MD
OKKKKK, I have delt with chicks, just never quail. I was picking up some pullets from a guy and he had some baby quail. one of them was differently colored than the others and not running around or looking to well. I knew with the others picking on it, it wouldn't make it so I bought it. I am at my grandparents currently. we have a brooder set up for it and some fine chick food. we also have the water in a cap. its warm enough but it's shaky and not good on its feed. it alsmost seems as if someone helped it hatch, if u know what I mean.
I need all your info on quail. I am pretty expirenced with chicks, is there much a difference besides size and flight and looks?
I will post some pics soon maybe.
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sounds like one of my chicks that i helped hatch, how many days old is the chick? quails(especially coturnix)can develop quite fast.

little more information on the bird would help, pics definitly. if its moping around best you can do is make sure it drinks/eats. Sometimes they get lonley, you can put an old stuffed animal in there to keep it company. other then that check all the stickies in the quail forum.
My very naive advice would be just to attend to it as if it were the runt of a litter. Make sure it has all it needs: Warmth, food, water, shelter, and somewhere nice to snuggle and nest.
With your tender care she or he will be just fine
You haven't mentioned the species, as a chick is it feathered, and did you buy just one?

You mentioned for feed you are giving it, "some fine chick food". If its not at least 24% protein crumbles, it's not fine enough. I'll go on limb and think coturnix for the breed since you said it was a different color than the others...from hatch, it needs to be in a brooder with one end at 95*F and a cooler side to get out of the heat if IT wants to. After that lower the temp 5*F a week until you reach the ambient temperature that you are going to house it in permanently.

Cudos to you for placing the water in a cap...quail chicks have a tendency for drowning so there you've done well. There are tons and tons of differences. You now have a gamebird that is nothing like raising chicken chicks. There are stickies at the top of the quail thread, please read those.

Quail are social animals and do not do well at all with just one...if possible go back to the guy and get at least 2-3 more...just pick the smallest ones if you're afraid of picking.

Good luck!

You haven't mentioned the species, as a chick is it feathered, and did you buy just one?

You mentioned for feed you are giving it, "some fine chick food". If its not at least 24% protein crumbles, it's not fine enough. I'll go on limb and think coturnix for the breed since you said it was a different color than the others...from hatch, it needs to be in a brooder with one end at 95*F and a cooler side to get out of the heat if IT wants to. After that lower the temp 5*F a week until you reach the ambient temperature that you are going to house it in permanently.

Cudos to you for placing the water in a cap...quail chicks have a tendency for drowning so there you've done well. There are tons and tons of differences. You now have a gamebird that is nothing like raising chicken chicks. There are stickies at the top of the quail thread, please read those.

Quail are social animals and do not do well at all with just one...if possible go back to the guy and get at least 2-3 more...just pick the smallest ones if you're afraid of picking.

Good luck!
I bought just one and it is partridge color, a brown mix. the guy was feeding them chick feed so thats what I am giving it along with plain bread crumbs because they are easier for it to it. it is pretty sleepy, weakish, and just plain mopey. when I get home i will section off my brooder that I have 2 silkies in and if they ever get used to eachother I can mix them. not counting on it. I don't know how old it is but it looks pretty much like a shrunken day old chick. I don't know anything about the breeds....
its looking a lot better actually, a little more lively. I think maybe with the other ones maybe it wasn't warm enough or maybe it couldn't get enough to eat or drink... anyway its warmed up and loves to snuggle up in the wash cloth I have in there. maybe it was just newly hatched? it has a really blended color like maaaaaybe rosetta? I have no expirence and would have to get you pics.

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