Weak weak WEAK Young Rooster


5 Years
Jul 31, 2014
Leesburg GA
My baby's been sick for a week. He's in my arms now, still responding but very weak and having a hard time breathing. I was told to give corid and it helped for a short while. He can barely lift his head. Is there anything to help him?
Are you sure he got the corrid? If he is that sick you will probably have to dose him directly and not wait for him to drink it. Corrid worked very well for me when I caught cocci early...sometimes it's just too late. Mine respond well within about 3 days and are back up and running in a week. Good luck.

He can't sit up and keeps his head in this position
I'm so sorry. I know how much it hurts to lose one like that. If you have had him since hatching and haven't moved him to a new area, than he probably, IMO doesn't have cocci and corrid wouldn't help. Thoughts are with you
Should we send him off? He came from a breeder but was clean when we bought him at 3 months old. It was after we bought him he stunted. He got kicked by my horse about two weeks ago, and I had to take him inside to keep him safe. The AC gave him a cold, so I began treating it with an antibacterial. That's when he began going downhill, Idk if it was coincidence since the antibacterial is completely safe on other animals, or if it is what caused him to get sick. I was told to treat him for Cocci with Corid, because he started sleeping all day, and stopped eating. Then he perked up with the Corid so I though he was okay. Well tonight he just went downhill.
I would take a stool sample to the vet ASAP. You do not want to treat for coccidiosis if there is something else going on. I had a very sick bantam cockerel last week -vet found cecal worms and a fever. He was given a shot of antibiotics and today is a different bird. If it were me, I would have the illness diagnosed. Is he eating and drinking?

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