Weaning Heat Lamp-Spoiled Chicks...

I would recommend a bigger brooder than what you've got, especially as they get older.
(Unless you just move them outside, which can be done at young ages when the weather is warm enough.)
yes they need more space. they have just over 10ft2 now. I may have to split them and put half in a giant box. We r still about a week away from finishing our new coop (can you believe they expect me to still show up at my job when I have such important work at home?!), to the point that I can use it as an area brooder, but it's 8x10. Lows are about 48F right now, highs 70s usually. They should be good in the coop soon.

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yes they need more space. they have just over 10ft2 now. I may have to split them and put half in a giant box. We r still about a week away from finishing our new coop (can you believe they expect me to still show up at my job when I have such important work at home?!), to the point that I can use it as an area brooder, but it's 8x10. Lows are about 48F right now, highs 70s usually. They should be good in the coop soon.

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That is really annoying (expected at work with a coop to build at home) for sure! LOL

You can kind of make a "megabox" by cutting one side and then taping it together. Just think of each box side as a panel - and just add more panels- then you can keep all the chicks together and not split them up.

... or you can punch holes in the box sides and zip tie the sides together to make it bigger, just be sure to do it at the top, middle and bottom.
Hi, I'm wondering what to do. I have a brooder with 8 chicks 2.5 weeks old and 11 chicks 1.5 weeks old. The older chicks I started with a Brinsea heat plate, but they didn't do so great and I lost several (from McMurray, rough shipping experience, all one type, I DON'T think it had to do with heat). So, when I got the next batch I used a heat lamp and really kept them toasty.

For a week I kept the brooder partitioned with hardware cloth, but a. couple days a go I merged them. They are doing great, but the older birds have abandoned their heat plate and only want to be under the heat lamp. Also, the heat lamp is keeping the area directly under it at 90 degrees, and they all sleep right there, although they will go away to eat and drink-So I don't feel comfortable lifting the light higher yet.

I guess I'm just wondering if birds resist weaning of the light?? Like, if I just left it there would they be content to bask in 90 degree weather forever? I do live in Los Angeles and they are going to be in 90 degree temps for several months of each year, actually... Should I leave the light and trust the birds to move away as they get older, or raise it NEXT week so there is no area that hot in the brooder? TY, I know I'm wordy.

Pic for interest. PS the dark stuff isn't dirt, it's coffee grounds bedding. In the morning I give them their food in a box to eat a while, then I remove it and put in a second round feeder. They seem to like this.

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Do not mean to sound dumb but what is the coffeee grounds for? Please bare with me I’m trying to learn
yes they need more space. they have just over 10ft2 now. I may have to split them and put half in a giant box. We r still about a week away from finishing our new coop (can you believe they expect me to still show up at my job when I have such important work at home?!), to the point that I can use it as an area brooder, but it's 8x10. Lows are about 48F right now, highs 70s usually. They should be good in the coop soon.

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You have the job so you can pay for the birds. I actually have the opposite problem. My chicks seem to be on some growth hormone. They're 4 weeks and have been jumping/flying out since they were 2 weeks. They're so far ahead of where my first batch was. But we chalk that up to having a cockerel and not knowing it. Looking back on it, the cockerel was in charge even back then and he's paranoid. Our light is as high as it's going to get and we've started turning it off at night. If we don't, then the birds won't sleep and will fight and squawk all night. I think give your birds all the warmth they want. Just make sure they have a way to avoid it if they don't want to be that warm.
I did a terrible job of weaning my latest batch off the light. I had started turning it off during the day but then I had a sick hen and stole their light one night for her and then I just left it off. They were a little older than yours but they did fine. Side note: I was glad to read you stopped the coffee grounds. There is a recent thread on here about a chick dying from eating it. I think its fine for adults but chicks are not experienced enough not to put everything in their mouths.
I put my lamp more towards one end of the brooder, so they can move to a cooler area if they choose, or to the warmer area as needed.
This exactly what I did with the heat lamp. I watched the chicks they went to the warmer area after feeding. I noticed at night they would sleep by the food and water. If I turned the lamp off they would chirp loudly until I turned it back on.The chicks know where they want to be and when they want to be there.

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