Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken


9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
Northen Va
Update.. sneaking this in .. while, I am still me with so much celebration going on..wink wink.... LOL
Success at the vows.. and she was and is a hit.. fell asleep on the brides lap



going back.. to celebrate a beautiful amazing wonderful wedding.... thanks everyone.. the bride is quite happy



She loved it.. loved being colored.. loved the bath.. loved her first blowdry and no.. nothing wipes off...
yaaahoooooooooooooooey.... thank you everyone..




First and foremost safety
Second iam asking first

My girlfriend is getting married..her wedding colors black and pink..she want to know if she can have my silkie in her wedding, but wants to know if we can color her pink?

Can that be done on her feathers..she is white?
By koolaide, or food coloring being spritz on..

I do not want to do this at all if it can cause harm to my silkie

But she wants her pink

Yes..she is nuts and I thought..what the he'll-00000

She wants my silkie to carry the ring..she loves my silkie

Can this be done?

I said, can't dye my silkie pink
She said, why not bathe her, so why can we just spritz her pink with something

So can it be done?
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We are having her wedding here at my home in my backyard

And we will have to see


She's nuts..I almost think she wants wedding photos holding my silkie more then anything

What iam more worried about is their will be a bridge built over the pond for them to walk over to get to the arbor

That is what worries me more

I will most likely hold my silkie with the ring connected to her..Iam her maid of opposed to my silkie walking ton the arbor, if that makes sense...

Then she will be put back with the others..Then I worry will the other chickens..freakout..what is this hot pink chick doing in here..lmao
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I think it is a little unrealistic to think a chicken let alone a flighty Silkie can handle that type of situation, I think your friend has let the whole cute factor trend/fad get way out of hand
, what is this chicken supposedly going to do carrying the ring's in artificial egg tied around it's neck singing the chicken song as it dances down the isle, then what ???? does she want it to administer the Vows also. Oh wait the chicken probably isn't Ordained, well she can work on that too.

I take it u don't like the idea,

You mean my silkie can't officiate the wedding either,

slap my grandma...shoot


And thank u for your colorful explanation
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uh, seems like it would really stress the bird, but you know her better than anyone. Can she compromise with maybe a pretty pink ribbon around her neck? I would worry that the color won't wash out either and guess who will be looking at a pink chicken for the next several weeks? YOU! Don't think I would do it. Tell her to get her own chicken!
Well, that's what I needed to here..another words..would my silkie be pink and would me holding her..stress her out during the. Vows..etc..

Thank u

Although pink is my favorite color

My girlfriend ..this particular one is..well, how to put
An amazing woman..professional her past, and some on here may know who she is..absolutely over the top on everything she does and I mean over the too, a pink silkie is a breeze when u think of what else she maybe up too

If she can't use my silkie
Iam scared to death the girl will walk down the isle with who know what

Panthers and snakes are not allowed on my property
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I take it u don't like the idea,

You mean my silkie can't officiate the wedding either,

slap my grandma...shoot


And thank u for your colorful explanation

LOL your certainly welcomed, perhaps your friend could just be happy with your Silkie playing the wedding march on the Organ. Whatever you choose I hope it works out.

I take it u don't like the idea,

You mean my silkie can't officiate the wedding either,

slap my grandma...shoot


And thank u for your colorful explanation

LOL your certainly welcomed, perhaps your friend could just be happy with your Silkie playing the wedding march on the Organ. Whatever you choose I hope it works out.
Lol, maybe you could officiate for her..

But I do hear ya, that's why I needed pros to tell me

Thanks Al
Hey, it's her wedding, as long as the silkie cooperates, go for it
As for coloring, I knew a priest who raised canaries - he would put food coloring in their water and it would change the color of the bird.....................

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