week old baby chicks dying fast


6 Years
Aug 28, 2013
Got from a backyard breeder, they seem fine one Sec then stop eating and die fast ..lost 3 in a week! Doing sugar water vitamins by eye dropper didn't help. They die so fast. is it cocci? No blood on poo no ruffled feathers
I don't know, but I might try treating for cociddiosis, being moved can be stressful, it could have allowed them to come down with something, otherwise they might not of had a good start.
Some of the new babies were sneezing and I didn't think much of it. they stopped but one of the others a week older that I had is sneezing. I just had another one die last night they are totally fine one Sec then dead a Sec later. I did start treating with corid and vet rx
If they are a week old, they may be suffering from a respiratory problem from where they came from, but if there is any spilled water in their bedding ( which is a constant problem in brooders,) they could be suffering from brooder pneumonia or aspergillosis from mold. MG or infectious bronchitis can be passed on from other chickens raised near them, and MG can be passed through the eggs.Hatching conditions could also have something to do with their illness. Make sure that they have good air circulation, remove any wet bedding, and keep everything as dry as possible. Coccidiosis is more of a problem in slightly older chicks, who have been exposed to dirt or older chicks. I would take each weak chick, and make them drink some vitamin/electrolyte solution (such as SaveAChick) or something similar such as Pedialyte or Gatorade. Treating them with Corid will not hurt them, but I kind of think they are a little young for coccidia. I hope this helps.
For a respiratory would they show no symptoms and just die? What is the dosage for Terramycin tablets?
How are the birds doing

Dying lost 3 in less than 12 hours. Just put la200 in their water. They show no symptoms then gasp for air as they die quick. I have never had this happen before I don't know what it is

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