Hi all,
We've had 8 baby chicks for 1 week. Survived a 24 hour power outage, someone who had a poopy bum (cleaned them w/ wet q-tips, and bathed their bottom a few times), being brand new at this chickie thing, and the girls all seem to be doing quite well!! Except that someone has very wet brown poop. Most other poop appears to be getting larger and well formed, just can't figure out who has the yucky wet stuff.... But everyone seems good, eating, drinking, starting to scratch the at the ground, moving from the heated part of the brooder to the cooler end regularly.
Question though, is I've been using puppy pads on the bottom of the brooder and covering w/ paper towels, then changing the paper towels 4 to 5 times a day. We did purchase kiln dried pine shavings, should we stop w/ the paper towels and use the pine shavings yet? Now that I see how much they poop, I'm wondering how I clean it w/ pine shavings. Would I remove all shavings daily and replace or do I just add more shavings on top and clean it all out weekly? Guess I really didn't realize how much these guys poop!!
Any insight is appreciated. Sorry for what seems like such a basic question. I had done all kinds of research for the coop, but the brooder, I'm realizing I'm clueless.
We've had 8 baby chicks for 1 week. Survived a 24 hour power outage, someone who had a poopy bum (cleaned them w/ wet q-tips, and bathed their bottom a few times), being brand new at this chickie thing, and the girls all seem to be doing quite well!! Except that someone has very wet brown poop. Most other poop appears to be getting larger and well formed, just can't figure out who has the yucky wet stuff.... But everyone seems good, eating, drinking, starting to scratch the at the ground, moving from the heated part of the brooder to the cooler end regularly.
Question though, is I've been using puppy pads on the bottom of the brooder and covering w/ paper towels, then changing the paper towels 4 to 5 times a day. We did purchase kiln dried pine shavings, should we stop w/ the paper towels and use the pine shavings yet? Now that I see how much they poop, I'm wondering how I clean it w/ pine shavings. Would I remove all shavings daily and replace or do I just add more shavings on top and clean it all out weekly? Guess I really didn't realize how much these guys poop!!
Any insight is appreciated. Sorry for what seems like such a basic question. I had done all kinds of research for the coop, but the brooder, I'm realizing I'm clueless.