Weight of my red broilers @ 3 weeks


11 Years
Apr 15, 2008
I know alot of people are curious as to how the 'Freedom Rangers" from JM Hatchery weigh in, so thought I would post how mine are faring. They will be three weeks exactly tomorrow, and currently are right at 1 pound, across the board, with no real difference between the pullets and roos. We have 93 of them I think, so obviously didn't weigh them all, but there is no real noticeable size difference that I can tell by looking at them anyway. A few runtier ones, but I think they are among the two week olds that were replacement birds for those lost from being delayed in shipping. They are very meaty "feeling" however, no boniness whatsoever, even their thighs feel fleshy. Overall, very solid little birds and I think we will be pleased with them when it is all said and done. They are eating organic turkey starter mixed with some organic whole oats and organic whole wheat for the last 10 days or so, before that they were on regular organic chick starter. Another week or so and they will get to be ranging outside in the vegetable garden during the day, once I am confident they can't squeeze through the chain link fence that keeps the cats out of the garden.
Thank you for sharing your info. My Color rangers from JM hatchery are 2 weeks today and very different looking than my egg girls were this spring at the same age. Kind of like balloons
on sturdy legs. These are my first meaties , all the info I can absorb can only help! HELLPP MMEE!!!
Sorry, I still can't believe I ordered these broilers.

Breathe Lindsey, Breathe
My first meat birds too- and I ordered 100! They have been really pretty easy so far, save for a few days of frantically trying to keep them alive after nearly 3 days in shipping. They are stout little buggers, so different from my dual purpose birds. Mine are still in the brooder and I can't wait to put them outside in the garden in another week or so, they are starting to get a little crowded in there as they are growing so fast!
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