Weird bug EVERYWHERE in and around coop

That was my first thought too. Stink bugs tend to have a more shield shape to their bodies, and these look elongated. Granted, the pics are too fuzzy to see if they have a red pattern on their backs. They swarm houses like crazy, I hate them! From what I remember, that beetle species looks for structures to overwinter in. Maybe someone forgot to tell them they live in Florida.
Yuck, too bad you couldn't get Billy the Exterminator out there.

Seriously though, I wish you the best in getting rid of them. I would probably call someone to remove them if the suggestions the BYC members have suggested don't work for you.
I hate bugs too , I have my usual "go to" favorite remedies. I either spray things with Spic & Span liquid cleaner(comes in spray bottle) or Windex - whichever is closest. Spic and Span is soapy so it probably clogs their pores(?) and suffocates them. I don't know what Windex does - but it's just as lethal to them. Windex is harder to clean off walls but, spic and span isn't.

These kill spiders, houseflies, most ants, silverfish and also yellow jackets. Don't attack a full hive but, if I see a couple buzzing around I give them a full frontal(or backtal)spritz. They usually fall to the ground immediately and spin around or act drunk. You can wait it out and prod their bodies with a bayonet or something, or if you are really impatient you can stomp them with your shoes.

For groupings like you have I would put some S & S in one of those hose sprayers that mix with water and give them a full blast. If they don't start dropping to the ground in droves, then use a heavier mix of S & S. After they kick off, just use plain water from the hose to wash soapy residue away. I doubt that it will hurt your flock as long as they aren't around till you finish up with plain water.
PS I worry about things in my shoes too. When I get up, I throw them against the wall and watch to see if anything comes out. If I'm really concerned I put the shoes in a large ziploc bag and seal suit. If I don't find any nibble marks on the bag, I figure it's safe to wear them.
Yuck, makes me glad Montana has no bugs after October
I would pass out at these all over my coop,house etc. We get not much of anything here, well city folk like me anyways. Awwww the cold weather is good for something lol
Stink bugs, squash bugs and others are a group called "shield bugs". There are actually 4 families of shield bugs. Have you tried googling any of these to find out what's going on? Try this site for I.D.

We had a similair problem with ladybugs one year------the Asian ones. They even got in our house and were all over around the window sills-----yuck! I agree with the shop vac method-----maybe put some sevin dust or some other insecticide in the vac first to kill them.

Was just reading up on these type of bugs-----you really need to find out which one you have before you do anything. Some of them are actually predators of other pests and good to have around. Others feed on your vegetable gardens and definite pests. Good luck.
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Looking around---can't seem to find one that looks exactly like yours, but we have them around here too.

Finally found it! It's a leaf-footed bug:



Apparently, they are just pests-----look them up if you want, then vacuum away.
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While this may sound good and in principle kill the critters, it is very likely to also put that insecticide into the air you are breathing and if you are inside a house you just dusted your house. It isn't what I'd do.

You'd need a very good set of still functioning very fine particulate and Hepa filters on that vacuum.

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