Weird chicken noise

How old is she? Wondering if she is laying eggs and if she normally tells the world that she has done the impossible and lain an egg.
Do you have a rooster? Just wondering if she saw a predator fly over.
How does she reach to you? Is she the kind that follows you around and tells you when she needs a treat? I have a few like that... they won't stop talking to me until they get a treat.
My hen is making this noise constantly. She’s eating and running around fine. Is something wrong with her? I’ve uploaded a video
They get more talkative and chatty as they get closer to laying!

Easter Eggers in particular can be real characters! :love

As long as she is behaving fairly normal.. nothing to worry about.

ON SECOND THOUGHT.. as the video loops.. that sounds/looks much more like wheezing than chatting.. Had she recently been chased or running? Is the sound just constantly ongoing or has it changed at all from the video? If it's still the same that is completely NOT normal. Could she be coming down with something respiratory? Any sneezing seen in your flock, recent additions, or other changes? Hope it's first thought which is very common! :fl
They get more talkative and chatty as they get closer to laying!

Easter Eggers in particular can be real characters! :love

As long as she is behaving fairly normal.. nothing to worry about.

ON SECOND THOUGHT.. as the video loops.. that sounds/looks much more like wheezing than chatting.. Had she recently been chased or running? Is the sound just constantly ongoing or has it changed at all from the video? If it's still the same that is completely NOT normal. Could she be coming down with something respiratory? Any sneezing seen in your flock, recent additions, or other changes? Hope it's first thought which is very common! :fl
I’m thinking it’s a respiratory problem. I’ve just picked up some vetrx drops. She was fine yesterday and I noticed it when I was letting them out this morning. I’m hoping these drops help her...
I’m thinking it’s a respiratory problem. I’ve just picked up some vetrx drops. She was fine yesterday and I noticed it when I was letting them out this morning. I’m hoping these drops help her...
It might help alleviate some symptoms.. it's essentially Vick's vapor rub which I will stop short of calling snake oil.. since you already spent your $, can you take it back? It never helped anything when I was a kid.. though it was fun to breathe the cold air feeling it caused.

So since it will likely not treat the cause.. better to still try and identify what it actually is. Sorry it seems like it might be more respiratory! :hmm

Now to identify.. could it be an injury.. say landing really hard and puncturing a lung.. Or is it viral OR bacterial? A few resources for your review..

My current suggestion is support through good nutrition maybe add in some probiotics.. or even a little B complex added to the water. I would prefer to add in supplemental support over the vetrx.. are you putting it in the water or near the nostrils, or how are you intending to use it? If you do return it consider using Poultry Nutri Drench or one of the Rooster Booster brand products.. either the Poultry CELL or the Poultry Booster to support her own immune system. not the vitamins and electrolytes one. No supplement should be given more than 10 days in row.

Hope she recovers quickly and you get some useful info in those links! :fl
I’ve isolated from the others to inside the house now and keeping a close eye on her. Got her some nutrition supplements to put in her water. I hope she gets better...she’s such a sweet girl. 😔

She is much better this morning. No wheezing at all! and she’s back to her normal clucking sounds when I give her treats!!!
I’m not sure what caused her to wheeze, but we’ve cleaned out the coop again this morning in case something in there was bothering her.

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