weird comb?


queen of flirts
8 Years
Jun 3, 2011
Em's Dungeon
My chickens have blue all around the edge of their combs and at the base of their beaks (I'll post a picture when I get one) they are not acting strange at all, what is wrong with them? do I need to intervene or will this fix it-self? the only thing I can think of that it could be is Blue-comb, if it is than what do I need to do to fix it?

thank you all for your help,
It could be the very beginning of Blue Comb or not a true blue comb meaning just lacking minerals. Pictures would help. How long have they been like this? How old are your chickens? What kind of chickens are they? How many chickens do you have? and how many have the blue? and are they only kept in a pen? Do they free range and if so how long during the day? I would go ahead and put them on antibiotics.
Thank you so much for your reply, here are the answers to your questions

How long have they been like this- about 3 weeks

How old are your chickens- 6 months

What kind of chickens are they- rhode Island red, wellsummer, Easter egger, light Brahma, Barred rock, black austrolorp, buff orpington, golden laced Wyandotte

How many chickens do you have- 11

How many have the blue- 7

Are they only kept in a pen- they are only in a coop at night

Do they free range and if so how long during the day- they are free ranged all day, but they always have access to their coop


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