Weird Craigslist ad

I re-read where does the term butcher or meat come up, merely the killing of an animal. Again, im not against harvesting/slaughtering for a myriad of reasons, the ad just seems a bit ..."off".
I'd say that while this ad is not something that we're used to seeing, I don't think the person is up to no good. Llama sandwich, anyone?
I bet it's as simple as the guy was asked to put down a mean Alpaca by a friend. The person gave him some money for the trouble of doing it. That sparked the idea, "Hey maybe I can make money off the city folks who won't kill their own nasty pets." Thus the ad. Bet he sells the hides from worthy animals and eats/feed the meat. Win/Win in my opinion.

Also, there is no regulation on butchering meat at home for your personal consumption. If you want to sell it, then yes the government wants a piece of the pie. Who would ever know you were butchering anyway to inspect you? We butcher deer, hogs and various other animals often, matter of fact, I guarantee the meat I package is cleaner than the local locker. I hate hairs on it and go to great lengths to remove them all, something the lockers don't have time to do.
copied a pasted, 'cuz I have a feelin' this ad may not last long...

eastern WV craigslist > for sale / wanted > farm & garden
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Wanted: Nasty Llama, Alpaca, Goats, Pigs

Date: 2011-08-24, 8:41AM EDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

Do you have an animal that is being a giant pain the the keester and attacking everything and needs to go? Depending on the situation I can put it down there or possibly remove the animal first. Size will be a factor here. Don't keep a dangerous animal because you feel bad for it. The risk isn't worth it. I will treat said animal with respect and it will be cleanly and humanely put down.

Dogs, cats and equines do not qualify for this offer.

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PostingID: 2563186598
2011 craigslist, inc. terms of use privacy policy feedback forum
Honestly, what this person is is offering is no different than the people who trap wild hogs, nusiance gators or any number of other unwanted creatures, which are cute but destructive.

Hogs and gators get recycled in meat and hides. The rest usually just get destroyed.
Why do you think that? Trapping for pelts is legal, with the proper permits. I know fur prices dropped last year (not sure on this year), but it is still a pretty big industry.
Yes think they are getting free meat, hides and so for, if you note dogs ,cats, and horse ,they will not kill ,because those are all illegal to butcher.

He not wanting sick once just those that are mean and hard to control.

Sound like a good way to feed a family. Anyone got a mean rooster for him, bet he will take it for the meat.

I have a friend that takes animal like that, he feeds his large cats. (TIGERS ,LIONS,COUGERS,and etc.)
Very well could be...and again, I have no real issue with it, with the exception of the fact that many folks shouldnt have etc LOL!

The wife says she thinks the guy just wants to kill stuff. I geuss you'd have to live around here to fully grasp why she feels that way!

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