Weird 'Dance'?


8 Years
Jun 18, 2011
My favourite chicken Fluffy (He's my avatar on the left although that pic was taken a month or two ago and he's a WPR) keeps on doing this weird 'dance' thing when he's near me and only does it to me and no one else
maybe he's doing it because he likes me

Now to describe this 'dance' thingy, well he kinda stumbles sideways towards my left or my right as if he had a bad foot (he doesn't in reality) and rarely pecks me in the end. He has no sickness and he would make this 'horororororo' sound while he did this and only started doing this a couple of weeks back. Not any other chicken has done this but Fluffy

Does anyone know what's with him?
Haha your rooster is sweet on you! Look out the last rooster I had that did that mating dance all the time to me finally got to where he would grab the skin on the back of my ankle with his beak and try his best to mate with my shoe, it REALLY hurt! Freezer camp followed.
I also have a white Plymouth Rock roo who just starting doing "the dance" about a week or so ago. It's the funniest thing to watch! He spreads out one wing a little and lowers it, usually the right one, then stamps his feet on the ground while going, or strutting sideways. He first started doing this to my hens, who just ran away from him, now he does it to my white Polish roo, too! Two days ago he did it to me, so I stamped my feet towards him, which scared him away. I don't want him to think he can boss me like he does his hens. This roo has since started mounting the hens when they let him.

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