Weird Egg


Mar 21, 2015
Our Red Sex link, Cordelia, started laying a couple of weeks ago and hasn't missed a day since. In those couple of weeks we had one strange egg that had bumps on it, but the next day it was normal again. Yesterday we came home to a really weird egg. My first thought was that maybe one of the other chickens started laying but then where is Cordelia's egg? So today we checked and there was just her normal brown egg. I've included a pic below. The texture of the egg is different too. Sort of rough feeling? We did just change their food this week from Purina Start and Grow Medicated to Layena Plus Omega3. Could that cause it? Thanks!!

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A pullets body takes time to adjust to the egg laying process. Weird eggs can happen at any age but are especially common in new layers and older hens. Unless the hen is lethargic, bleeding, or showing other odd symptoms weird eggs usually aren't a problem.
Also with the color difference I would guess that you have a new layer, but it wouldn't be unheard of for the pigments to be off a bit.
My chickens had the weirdest eggs when they started laying but soon got the hang of it one was giant with a double yolk and lots of bumps.

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