weird egg


In the Brooder
Nov 7, 2015
my rhode island red did not lay yesterday but kept making the noise when it does lay.It laid two egg the next day one was an egg white and yolk with no shell and the other had a thin layer around it ,
how can i help and stop this
I leave a cup of oyster shell for them to eat at their leisure. I have had 3 incidents recently. One was just a yolk and two other times they were very thin shells. Those were from hens that just started laying though. Sorry I have no other ideas.
I only have two birds including the rhode island red.She is under 6 months ad has been laying since i got her which was a 2 and a half weeks ago.I feed them layer pellets and they free range all day.They live in a spacious shed and use nest boxes but weren't used for the two weird eggs laid instead of one egg day.
She's probably still new to laying, first month or so of laying cause see some funky eggs.
That and the new environment can cause some glitches.
I would not worry unless it a happens consistently.
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She laid a wonderful egg today im sure it will get back to normal, THANK YOU

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