Weird eggs...they change color!


Invincible Summer
12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
I have these 2 eggs that were laid yesterday. They have a before and after look to them (before they are wet and after they are dry again.)
Check it out...

That's has happened to me before. Someone mentioned it could be a calcium issue. It's like a dusty film on the eggs that washes off.
That's has happened to me before. Someone mentioned it could be a calcium issue. It's like a dusty film on the eggs that washes off.

That sounds possible, but these are the only 2 eggs like this that I've had, from all of my hens on any days. Plus it comes right back when I wash it too...definitely weird. I have misshapen eggs occasionally, huge eggs sometimes, but not this until now.
It freaked me out too at first. I have noticed as well it happens when my hens lay eggs on DE that is mixed in the nesting boxes.
It's the bloom, I believe--the final layer that the hen puts onto an egg before laying it. If it's thick enough, it can change the outward appearance of the egg--make a blue egg look green, a brown egg look pink. Sort of like a white t-shirt, it becomes transparent when wet, allowing you to see the underlying shell color

Hey! I have eggs that do that too! It was this (these, maybe)Welsummer's first eggs, so I thought it was a new layer thing. Since water only worked until dry, I put some olive oil on them so that I could look at the colors for a day before eating them. The white coating is on the parts of the eggs that are more darkly speckled. The second time I got them, I kind of liked the crazy white splatters.
You shouldn't wash your eggs. They have a protective coating that prevents bacteria from getting inside and washing them removes the coating, and potentially pushes any bacteria on the surface inside the egg.

This is why after being washed commercial eggs are then sterilized, because the actual act of washing eggs contaminates them.

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