Weird guinea egg... day 18

I’m so sorry Funnyfarm! :hitI know that this was an important egg for you! I think that the deck was stacked against this little one. :hugs
Thank you. :hugs It was sad but I don’t think that little keet would’ve been very happy with only one eye. It definitely was. At least I tried. I’m going to try again with regular eggs from my remaining guineas. Hopefully I’ll get one.:hmm
If the egg is going to hatch, it will internally pip prior to making an external pip. It may not internally pip for as many as 3 more days.

Regardless of all the do not open the incubator during lockdown warnings, it is okay to open the incubator during lockdown. Keep the openings brief and allow the temperature and humidity to stabilize between openings.

It is not an absolute requirement to raise the humidity for lockdown for a single egg. I have had keets and poults hatch in my cabinet incubator while under incubation parameters and even while the auto turner was running. I don't recommend keeping an auto turner on.
I have 3 eggs in lockdown and cannot seem to get the humidity up past 50% even with wet sponges inside. Using a Little Giant. So will we be okay since it is just 3 eggs?
I have 3 eggs in lockdown and cannot seem to get the humidity up past 50% even with wet sponges inside. Using a Little Giant. So will we be okay since it is just 3 eggs?
Is your hygrometer calibrated? The key to increasing the humidity is to increase the surface area of the water. One way is to let a washcloth or paper towels wick the water from the container. In my experience, really dense sponges don't do a very good job of wicking the water from a container. Really porous sponges do better.

I have had keets hatch in the incubator when it was not in lockdown conditions at 30% humidity. They did fine.
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