Weird Hen with spurs? rooster?

I've run into several hens with spurs, especially if you keep them past two years or so.

Goes to show, just cause someone's had chickens for years, doesn't really meant they know what they're talking about. There are so many indicators of a rooster besides spurs. Makes you wonder how many hens she's given away over the years cause they were roosters.
I don't have her anymore and looked for an old pic of her and couldn't find it. Well, I'm gonna trust my gut and say she is a she!!! lol Like I said she looked like a hen etc. but the lady had me semi-convinced I was wrong because of the spurs.

if you have a pic of her i would love to see for the spur issue yes hens can have spurs although i have mainly seen them only on game hens and once or twice on none games. roosters are very obivious with their hackles, saddles, and sickle feathers (unless ur looking at a seabright lol).

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